A Go job framework inspired from Sidekiq.
An SSH server with a simple to use API to create a customized interface.
CLI for managing local development environments with just a simple configuration per project!
A compiler for a dialect of C, including pointers. Currently compiles to a MIPS target and includes a MIPS assembler. Designed to be highly testable and modular, with a work in progress MIPS emulator in Rust to validate programs.
Work in progress Gameboy emulator. An exploratory project into more advanced architectures.
A programming game where you get to code a tank's AI in ruby and fight others! It was designed as an introduction to Ruby for a highschool hackathon, Tech Retreat
Chip8 emulator
Complete port to Python3 of Fabric, one of the largest used Python packages.
Android screen streaming service. Completed in 24hrs as part of BattleHacks by a16z. The winning hack!
A better Sublime text Racket syntax... Because the other one sucked :(
Machine learning applied to a rudimentary Flappy bird akin game. Completed in 24hrs at HackWestern
Architected a managable website for MathSoc, which is to be adopted by all student societies at the University of Waterloo within the next year.
A rudimentary operating system, as a venture into learning low level programming and hardware interfaces. Developed in ASM and C. Compiles to a i586 target.
Monitors nearby devices to alert the homeowner upon close proximity of a registered device. Useful as a doorbell for friends if there isn't already one!
Remote deadbolt controller via phone app through SMS or data
World simulation. Currently generates worlds. Includes small HTML viewer for the world data.
Robust rogue-like game. Built for a university course final project.
mpd plugin to access 8tracks.
NES emulator in Java.
Basic Pong in HTML5 Canvas as a demo to those new to programming. Used as a presentation to the highschool student body as a demo of Computer Science club.
Small realtime application as a learning project of websockets and bitcoin APIs. Part of a Coursera course cirriculum.
Text-based RPG engine allowing easy scripting through text files. Continuation of a highschool final project.
Minecraft server plugin for Bukkit
A bot client for a popular online video game, Runescape, developed in Java. Largely reverse engineering of bytecode. Featured a robust scripting API, and implemented competitor APIs for compatibility. Over 250,000 users.